• Image of a pencil filling in multiple choice test. Text over image reads: "Preparing for the Virginia CDL Exam"

    Virginia CDL Exam Example Questions

    Our job here at CDS Tractor Trailer Training is to prepare our students for the Virginia CDL exam. The exam covers a lot of information, and can definitely be intimidating. Memorizing the whole CDL manually isn’t quite going to cover it. Like any test, it’s going to take studying and determination to pass. As long as […]

  • Image of truck driver behind the wheel of a big rig talking on the radio. Text over image reads "6 trucking vlogs you should be following"

    Vlogs to Help You Keep Up with the Industry

    Truck drivers have reinvented the image of their industry with the use of vlogs and social media. Truckers now share their life on the road and trucking knowledge online using vlogs and social media. Here are 6 trucking vlogs you should follow. Trucking Vlogs You Should Be Following Nic and Carla Meet the women drivers in […]

  • Image of football stadium with overlay of a graphic of semi. Text over image reads: "The Unsung Heroes of College Football" and a truck icon on top

    From Fan to Truck Driver

    As fall approaches and the summer heat dies off, a different heatwave hits states across the country: college football season. College football teams–and all of their equipment–have to get to the different stadiums in the different cities they play in, and they have to get there on time. The logistics involved with such operations are […]

  • graphic of "What Does A Pre-Hire Offer Mean?" and a truck icon in the bottom right corner

    How Does a Pre-Hire Letter Work for a Trucker?

    Many students assume that if they got a “pre-hire offer” it means that they are guaranteed a job with that truck carrier. In some senses, students are misunderstanding what that intent-to-hire even means. So what does that pre-hire offer really mean? The Carrier WANTS to Hire You: If you get a pre-hire offer, you have […]

  • image of white semi with red white and blue refresh symbols and text that reads "refresh your CDL skills"

    Hit Refresh for New Career Opportunities

    Dreaming of the over-the-road (OTR) driving job you once had? Miss the great pay and the freedom of the beautiful open road? Regardless of why you left the trucking industry in the first place, this highly sought out skill is worth investing in again. Consider refreshing your skills for the best job opportunities, or starting […]

  • graphic of blue and white background with red lighting bolts and guitar. Text that reads "Truck Drivers: Rock Stars of the Road" in the center

    4 Reasons to Appreciate the Rock Stars of the Road

    National Truck Driver’s Appreciation Week is here to remind us all to recognize and appreciate the real rock stars of our roads: truck drivers. Here are four reasons why you should appreciate truckers for their hard work and determination… 1. Truckers Keep Us Entertained Who really makes concerts in our cities happen? If you’ve never […]